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963 Hz Positive Aura Cleanse - Frequency Of God, Talk To God Before Sleep, Deep Meditation Music

Publié par ♥ Rose - lyne du sud ♥

The Solfeggio Frequencies are harmonic sounds that have the ability to cure physical and emotional ailments. In the past these frequencies were expressed through Gregorian chants that the monks sang to enter into a meditative state. Years later these frequencies were studied and their healing power was discovered.

Among the Solfeggio Frequencies there is a very special one, the 963 Hz Frequency, popularly known as the "Frequency of gods", since these sounds connect us with the most powerful essence of the universe. These sounds awaken the perfection that exists within us, aligning us with the unity that identifies the universe.

This miracle frequency of god activates the pineal gland, which has the power to connect us with divinity. By activating the pineal gland, the benefits of hearing the 963 Hz frequency are physical, mental and emotional.

By listening to this frequency your body will have a stronger immune system, your sleep quality will improve significantly, cell regeneration will be strengthened, and you will be able to slow down the aging process of your body.

The 963 Hz Frequency improves your mood by making you feel optimistic, cheerful, creative and strong-willed about your daily activities.

This frequency of gods develops your spirituality to the fullest by expanding your level of consciousness.

You will feel calm, with inner peace and in perfect balance with your environment.

The 963 Hz frequency awakens intuition and extrasensory perception, giving you a new perspective on life.

If you listen to this frequency you can usually leave behind past traumas, depression and addictions that have hurt you for years.

If you want to boost positive energy in your life, listen to this 963 Hz frequency meditation music to leave behind all the bad things that have happened in the past and you can be reborn to a new reality of happiness and prosperity.

🎼 Download Our Website: https://supernaturalbp.com/shop/

iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/sup...

Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/store/music/a...

📢 Recommended Playlist. Miracle Meditation Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Deep Healing Sleep Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Solfeggio Frequencies Miracle Tone: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Sleep Meditation Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

📒 ABOUT SUPERNATURAL BRAINWAVE POWER: Our body is maintained at an unconscious level. Our inner self always tries to maintain our body's balance and health but our beliefs always interfere. So “If you believe you can, you can”. Positive thinking, positive visualization and your hard work is the key to success with the law of attraction. My music helps you deepen your visualization or law of attraction meditation, helping you ground and connect with your inner power source (your subconscious mind). =================================================== ©️ STRICT COPYRIGHT WARNING: All rights reserved. © Copyright of Supernatural Brainwave Power Ltd.


The Solfeggio Frequencies are harmonic sounds that have the ability to cure physical and emotional ailments. In the past these frequencies were expressed through Gregorian chants that the monks sang to enter into a meditative state. Years later these frequencies were studied and their healing power was discovered.

Among the Solfeggio Frequencies there is a very special one, the 963 Hz Frequency, popularly known as the "Frequency of gods", since these sounds connect us with the most powerful essence of the universe. These sounds awaken the perfection that exists within us, aligning us with the unity that identifies the universe.

This miracle frequency of god activates the pineal gland, which has the power to connect us with divinity. By activating the pineal gland, the benefits of hearing the 963 Hz frequency are physical, mental and emotional.

By listening to this frequency your body will have a stronger immune system, your sleep quality will improve significantly, cell regeneration will be strengthened, and you will be able to slow down the aging process of your body.

The 963 Hz Frequency improves your mood by making you feel optimistic, cheerful, creative and strong-willed about your daily activities.

This frequency of gods develops your spirituality to the fullest by expanding your level of consciousness.

You will feel calm, with inner peace and in perfect balance with your environment.

The 963 Hz frequency awakens intuition and extrasensory perception, giving you a new perspective on life.

If you listen to this frequency you can usually leave behind past traumas, depression and addictions that have hurt you for years.

If you want to boost positive energy in your life, listen to this 963 Hz frequency meditation music to leave behind all the bad things that have happened in the past and you can be reborn to a new reality of happiness and prosperity.

🎼 Download Our Website:  https://www.SupernaturalBP.com/what-a...

🔊 Music Details: Artist: Supernatural Brainwave Power SNO:R52

🎼 Download Our Website: https://supernaturalbp.com/shop/

iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/sup...

Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/store/music/a...

📢 Recommended Playlist. Miracle Meditation Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Deep Healing Sleep Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Solfeggio Frequencies Miracle Tone: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Sleep Meditation Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...


📒 ABOUT SUPERNATURAL BRAINWAVE POWER: Our body is maintained at an unconscious level. Our inner self always tries to maintain our body's balance and health but our beliefs always interfere. So “If you believe you can, you can”. Positive thinking, positive visualization and your hard work is the key to success with the law of attraction.

My music helps you deepen your visualization or law of attraction meditation, helping you ground and connect with your inner power source (your subconscious mind).


©️ STRICT COPYRIGHT WARNING: All rights reserved. © Copyright of Supernatural Brainwave Power Ltd.


Les fréquences Solfeggio sont des sons harmoniques qui ont la capacité de guérir les maux physiques et émotionnels. Dans le passé, ces fréquences étaient exprimées à travers des chants grégoriens que les moines chantaient pour entrer dans un état méditatif. Des années plus tard, ces fréquences ont été étudiées et leur pouvoir de guérison a été découvert.

Parmi les fréquences de Solfeggio, il y en a une très spéciale, la fréquence de 963 Hz, communément appelée la "fréquence des dieux", car ces sons nous relient à l'essence la plus puissante de l'univers. Ces sons éveillent la perfection qui existe en nous, nous alignant avec l'unité qui identifie l'univers.

Cette fréquence miraculeuse de dieu active la glande pinéale, qui a le pouvoir de nous connecter à la divinité. En activant la glande pinéale, les avantages d'entendre la fréquence 963 Hz sont physiques, mentaux et émotionnels.

En écoutant cette fréquence, votre corps aura un système immunitaire plus fort, la qualité de votre sommeil s'améliorera considérablement, la régénération cellulaire sera renforcée et vous pourrez ralentir le processus de vieillissement de votre corps.

La fréquence 963 Hz améliore votre humeur en vous faisant sentir optimiste, gai, créatif et volontaire sur vos activités quotidiennes.

Cette fréquence des dieux développe votre spiritualité au maximum en augmentant votre niveau de conscience.

Vous vous sentirez calme, en paix intérieure et en parfait équilibre avec votre environnement.

La fréquence 963 Hz éveille l'intuition et la perception extrasensorielle, vous donnant une nouvelle perspective sur la vie.

Si vous écoutez cette fréquence, vous pouvez généralement laisser derrière vous les traumatismes, la dépression et les dépendances qui vous ont fait mal pendant des années.

Si vous voulez stimuler l'énergie positive dans votre vie, écoutez cette musique de méditation à fréquence 963 Hz pour laisser derrière vous toutes les mauvaises choses qui se sont produites dans le passé et vous pouvez renaître à une nouvelle réalité de bonheur et de prospérité.

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