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Alors que vous avancerez à travers ces quelques prochaines années, prenez conscience qu'un voyage s'achève et qu'un nouveau commence.

Publié par Rosy
Photo : So as you move through these next few years recognize that one journey is ending and a new one is beginning.The coming years on your planet will bring great change in a physical sense. You will see many governments discussing, debating, conflicting. You will see many people throwing in the towel in the old ways they have been living. And for many of you it will simply be to maintain your center while all around you may seem to be losing theirs. This is turbulence. Think about that for a second. When you are experiencing the turbulence you know on an airplane, it is only because you are moving from one place to another. Turbulence is part of a journey. It can sometimes be the way you know you are moving. And so many of you have already cleared yourselves of these emotions, these parts of you that you needed to clear. But recognize the world will do the same, and souls who are not awakened need physical frameworks through which to do this – physical ways, relationship conflicts, war even. It is how the framework, the current template that has existed for many thousands of years is changing and reshaping itself. ~~Zachary through Lee Harris, from Crimson Circle Group Channel - Hamburg 2008 Artist Primal Painter
Artiste Primal Painter
Alors que vous avancerez à travers ces quelques prochaines années, prenez conscience qu'un voyage s'achève et qu'un nouveau commence. Les années à venir apporteront sur votre planète un grand changement sur le plan physique. Vous verrez de nombreux gouvernements discuter, débattre, être en conflit. Vous verrez beaucoup de gens abandonner leurs anciennes façons de vivre. Et pour beaucoup d'entre vous, vous aurez simplement à maintenir votre centre alors que tout autour de vous... semblera l'avoir perdu.

Ainsi sont les turbulences. Pensez-y une seconde. Lorsque vous expérimentez des turbulences en avion, c'est seulement parce que vous vous déplacez d'un endroit à un autre. La turbulence fait partie du voyage. Parfois, c'est la manière de savoir que vous vous déplacez. Et beaucoup d'entre vous se sont déjà libérés de ces émotions, de ces parties de vous-même qu'il était nécessaire de nettoyer. Prenez conscience que le monde va faire la même chose ; et les âmes qui ne sont pas éveillées ont besoin d'un cadre physique pour le faire – des moyens physiques, des divergences relationnelles, et parfois même des conflits. C'est ainsi que le cadre, le modèle actuel qui a existé pendant des milliers d'années est en train de changer et de se remodeler.

~ ~ Zachary par Lee Harris, extrait du Crimson Circle Group Channel - Hambourg 2008
Artiste Primal Painter
So as you move through these next few years recognize that one journey is ending and a new one is beginning.The coming years on your planet will bring great change in a physical sense. You will see many governments discussing, debating, conflicting. You will see many people throwing in the towel in the old ways they have been living. And for many of you it will simply be to maintain your center while all around you may seem to be losing theirs.

This is turbulence. Think abou...t that for a second. When you are experiencing the turbulence you know on an airplane, it is only because you are moving from one place to another. Turbulence is part of a journey. It can sometimes be the way you know you are moving. And so many of you have already cleared yourselves of these emotions, these parts of you that you needed to clear. But recognize the world will do the same, and souls who are not awakened need physical frameworks through which to do this – physical ways, relationship conflicts, war even. It is how the framework, the current template that has existed for many thousands of years is changing and reshaping itself.

~~Zachary through Lee Harris, from Crimson Circle Group Channel - Hamburg 2008
Artist Primal Painter

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